
Christians: Take a Step Back and Think Biblically; God Doesn’t Leave Us Hanging

Christians: Take a Step Back and Think Biblically; God Doesn’t Leave Us Hanging

Take a step back and think… biblically.

Sometimes we are too close to something to see the full picture. It’s like the Pharisees, who had their noses one inch from the Scriptures but were a mile away from seeing the Savior.


And that, I believe, is the case here…

In today’s complex political and cultural landscape, it can be challenging to discern what God is doing. But He doesn’t leave us hanging. God gives us His Word.

The Word of God not only tells us what has happened but also what will happen; and ultimately, it tells us what always happens, especially regarding kings and kingdoms.

Make no mistake, America is a kingdom (a nation with sovereignty), and our political system has a king (though we call that position “President,” whose authority is limited by the Constitution).

The Book of Daniel

The Bible offers us wisdom and guidance, particularly in the Book of Daniel.

Daniel was the prophet who interpreted the “writing on the wall” (Daniel 5) because he was deeply connected to God and understood His sovereignty over nations and rulers. This teaches us the importance of seeking God’s wisdom to understand the times we live in.

Just as Daniel was not swayed by the opinions around him, we too must diligently seek God’s will, even when it challenges popular opinion and our own human reasoning. To carry forward that famous line from Daniel 5 and make it relevant to our times: it appears that many are missing the writing on the wall because they are not reading and heeding the writing of God’s will. It’s all there.

Scripture reminds us that God is in control of who rises and falls in leadership.

Daniel 2:21 says, “And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.” This means that no leader is in power apart from God’s sovereign plan—whether for blessing, judgment, correction, or protection.

Like Daniel, who recognized God’s hand in the reigns of Nebuchadnezzar and Darius, we must see that God can use any leader, flawed as they may be, for His purposes. The question, then, is do we know His purposes? Our role is to remain prayerful and watchful, discerning God’s larger plan rather than getting caught up in political campaigns or disengaging from the political landscape altogether.

Relentless opposition

Now, here is the thrust of my challenge. There has been relentless opposition against Donald Trump from the moment he arrived on the political scene on that escalator in 2016.

The list is too long to fully detail, but consider the following facts:

Russia Collusion Hoax: The long-running investigation and media frenzy over alleged collusion with Russia during the 2016 election, which ultimately yielded no evidence of criminal conspiracy.

Witch Hunt Impeachments: Trump was impeached twice by the House of Representatives—first, in 2019 over his phone call with the Ukrainian president, and second, in 2021 following the Capitol riot—both of which ended in Senate acquittal due to lack of evidence.

Weaponization of the FBI and Lawfare: In August 2022, the FBI conducted an unprecedented raid on Trump’s private residence in Florida, seizing documents and igniting further legal battles.

Censorship and Media Bias: Throughout his presidency and beyond, Trump has faced significant media bias and censorship, including the banning of his social media accounts by major platforms.

Countless Indictments and Political Persecution: Trump has been the target of ongoing political attacks, including efforts to prevent him from running for office again, and the push to label him as a threat to democracy.

Near Assassination Attempt: All of the aforementioned attacks culminated in an assassination attempt on July 13, 2024. An honest look at the facts of this failed event reveal that it was either an inside job at worst or complete and utter negligence at best.

I mention this laundry list of concerted attacks to challenge you to think rationally. The list raises important questions about why there has been such a coordinated effort to discredit and undermine him at every turn even to the point of likening him to Hitler.

Know your history! Hitler wanted big government, aka government as god. Trump’s former presidency and present platform wants little government and has publicly endorsed “one nation under God.” This juxtaposition alone blows up the lie that Donald Trump and his followers are fascists. Don’t misunderstand me because first and foremost this is not about being a Trump supporter. However, I am a Christian voter. And yes, his littered past and not-so-polished present have not helped his rise or cause—I get that! But here’s what got me thinking: why do so many people want to see him taken out? And not just “so many people,” but when you pull back the curtain, you will find the worst type of people.


Let me illustrate. As a Christian, I can confidently say that when it comes to worldview, I have nothing in common with the likes of Nancy Pelosi and her progressive leftist agenda or pundits such as the women on “The View.” There are no moral or political issues on which we would agree.

In fact, according to the Bible, these individuals align with the description of a reprobate mind as found in Romans 1:18-32. This is not up for debate. They believe that babies should be aborted in the name of “reproductive rights.” These people affirm the mutilation of our children in the name of “trans rights.” They believe a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man, and they support same-sex marriage in the name of “human rights.” All of these (to name just a few) are antithetical to the Bible. These are evil women, likened to Jezebel.

Similarly, there are men like Raphael Warnock—a pastor and U.S. Senator—who share these same destructive beliefs. Men like him say they know God, but their support of godless policies or principles betray them. I could name people like them in every industry who want to see Donald Trump eliminated. These individuals represent the kingdom of darkness, even if they present themselves as “angels of light.”
“And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15)

Which ruler?

And now here’s my main point: Does evil fight against itself? Can wickedness unleash assaults against its own? Does Jezebel fight Ahab? Or does Jezebel seek to destroy Elijah and those that represent the Lord? And no, unequivocally, Trump is not Elijah. Far from it. I am not even sure he is a believer. That’s not the point. The point is that “a king” (leader) either provides shade for the righteous and honors God’s law or they are a shield to the unrighteous and honor lawlessness. Which “ruler” do you think God blesses?

To that end, I recently posted a comment on Facebook in response to the gross support from a growing group called, “Evangelicals For Harris.” I stated:

“Evangelicals For Harris” is like saying “Elijah’s For Jezebel.” Those who know the Bible know the two are incompatible.

And it was a follow-up comment to this post that summarized my thoughts exactly.

The individual stated:

“Thank you Matthew for this post. While both parties are godless in many ways and our future resides in a Theocratic government, I could never be Democratic ever given the fact of knowing Him. Why? Simply this: though the Lord created many things in the garden, there are 5 things that really stand out as sacred to Him. They are: Life, Gender, Marriage, Sexuality, and Family. All of these are being trivialized and redefined by the party of alleged tolerance: the Democratic Party. And yet in the name of tolerance, the only view they are intolerant to is HIS view. The Left is vehemently warring against God’s design in these 5 areas, celebrating a wholesale departure from them, and (last but not least) they are also vilifying the Church and Israel. The Right (Republicans) on the other hand, make it very easy to embrace HIS design in these 5 major areas. So in short, Matt, I wholeheartedly embrace your post. But felt as though an explanation as to why I did was merited. Thanks for posting!”

Again, the challenge: think biblically

Could it be that we are witnessing something unfolding that is far greater than the flawed man of Donald Trump? Could it be that the persistent opposition to a leader like Trump is revealing a spiritual war behind the scenes, much like what we see in Daniel 10:1 to Daniel 11:1? In this passage, the veil is lifted, showing us that earthly events, which might seem driven solely by human actions, are actually influenced by angelic or demonic forces. How misguided it is for mortal men to believe that their achievements are solely the result of their own power and intellect.

These verses illustrate how fallen angels can influence unbelieving earthly rulers and their kingdoms. And in Daniel 10:20 leading into 11:1, we see an example of how holy angels can influence and support good and godly kings:

“Then he said, ‘Do you know why I have come to you? And now I must return to fight with the prince of Persia; and when I have gone forth, indeed the prince of Greece will come. But I will tell you what is noted in the Scripture of Truth. (No one upholds me against these, except Michael your prince. Also, in the first year of Darius the Mede, I, even I, stood up to confirm and strengthen him.)'”

The angel speaking with Daniel recounts his ministry in the life of King Darius, explaining that his role was to provide encouragement and protection. This suggests that the angel encouraged Darius to show favor toward Daniel and the Jews and protected the king from both human and spiritual threats that could have led to his injury, death, or political downfall. Any king who sought to honor God and His people would undoubtedly become a target for satanic opposition. Period. And I guess it is at this point that it is extremely important to note, that like Truman before him (May 14, 1948), Trump was moved to honor Israel.

In 2017, Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the U.S. Embassy there in 2018. This decision, like Truman’s, was highly significant and controversial, affirming Israel’s claim to Jerusalem and altering the diplomatic landscape in the Middle East. Significant because it aligns with a prophetic template. Controversial because evil wanted to stop it.

Blessed is the nation

You see, God often uses unexpected people and circumstances to fulfill His purposes. In Isaiah 45:1, God calls Cyrus, a pagan king, His “anointed” to accomplish His purposes for Israel. Similarly, God can use any leader, whether or not they fit our expectations, to bring about His prophetic plans. If we fail to view current events through the timeless lens of Scripture, we risk missing what is truly happening—much like Belshazzar and his loyalists who ignored the “writing on the wall” in Daniel 5.

As Christians, our ultimate loyalty is to God and His purposes, not to any human leader. Our goal should not be to make America great for the sake of American greatness, but to make the Lord great in America so that we might receive the blessings of His greatness.

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” (Psalm 33:12)

Just as Daniel, as Prime Minister, remained steadfast in his devotion to God while serving under various kings, so too must we serve faithfully within the context of the kingdom in which God has placed us. We are the kingdom of heaven’s prime ministers.

Final thought

If evil is fighting against evil, then Satan’s kingdom is divided, which contradicts a crucial piece of the prophetic puzzle—leading the world into a global antichrist government as outlined in the Books of Daniel and Revelation.

Could it be that this is why movements like MAGA, which undermine globalism and promote nationalism, are vilified with such intense impunity?

For instance, globalists like Yuval Noah Harari have recently expressed concern about the potential re-election of Donald Trump, stating that it would likely deal a “death blow” to the existing global order. He argued that Trump’s nationalist policies, which prioritize American interests over global cooperation, could severely undermine international relations and stability. This contradicts the state of the world during his presidency from 2016 to 2020, which, despite relentless opposition, yielded a period of global stability.

For Harari and others like Klaus Schwab, who are central architects of the “Build Back Better” agenda, a Trump presidency seems to be a significant interruption to their efforts to “bring back Babel.” (Genesis 11)

Think, Christian, think. This is what is at stake.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. (Hosea 4:6)

READ Grace In Every Line: Ten Years Of Ministry After Prison by Matthew Maher on TRUTH OVER TREND


Matthew Maher is the founder of the platform Truth Over Trend, as well as a pastor at Landmark Church in Ocean City, New Jersey. He is also a contributing writer at Think Eternity News.


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